#119 | The 5 Types of Wealth by Sahil Bloom
A collection of the best hidden gems, mental models, and frameworks from the world’s top thinkers; to help you become 1% better and live a happier life ❤️
Hello curious minds 🧠
Okay, taking a break from the health topic.
Sahil Bloom’s book The 5 Types of Wealth came out on Tuesday. I pre-ordered it because I enjoy his writing. His mental models feel fresh… not because they are completely new, but because he presents them in a way that makes you think a little differently.
I finished the book yesterday and honestly, it was a good read.
After reading so many self-help books, I have started to notice the same ideas repeated over and over. This book was no different…
But here’s the thing, I knew that going in. And I also knew that Sahil has a way of framing things that makes them click differently. And that’s exactly what I was looking for.
And just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with hearing common ideas again and again. Sometimes, the timing is just right, and a reminder is exactly what you need.
So, here’s what I like about the book.
The whole idea of The 5 Types of Wealth really resonates with something I deeply believe in: seeing life as a whole, like a game where every aspect needs to be in balance. It’s a reminder that real happiness comes from exploring who you want to be and making sure all areas of your life align with that vision. If you chase just one type of wealth (or area) at the expense of the others, you will eventually pay for the imbalance.
So, what are the 5 types of wealth?
Time Wealth
Social Wealth
Mental Wealth
Physical Wealth
Financial Wealth
In the book, Sahil shares many guides to excel in each wealth type. There are quite a few that I have heard a lot about and it’s good to be reminded in the book and to try it out.
But guides and tactics are useless without deeply understand what you are aiming for. So today, I want to share each type of wealth, the pillars that hold them up, and one big question to ask for each type.
Pay attention to the big questions. I love them. Questions are the seeds that could lead to a new beginning.
🚀 If you are new here…
Hi, I’m Ryan 👋🏼 I am passionate about lifestyle gamification 🎮, which it’s just a fancy way saying I approach life like a video game, designing my character intentionally, and strive to level up every day. I am obsesssssssss with learning things that can help me live a happy and fulfilling life.Every Sunday, through The Limitless Playbook newsletter, I share 1 actionable idea from the world's top thinkers 🎯
Oh, and fun fact: I am a PhD candidate in AI 👻 I am deeply interested in how AI can help us 10x the way we live, learn, and thrive; so expect me to share some cool AI tools, insights, and research 🤖
🧠 The 5 Types of Wealth
For each type of wealth, I will briefly share what it is about, the pillars that control it, and the one big question for you to think about.
🍀 Time Wealth
The Time Wealth is about understanding the finite nature of time, the conscious thinking and decision to focus on what matters, and ultimately, the freedom to choose however you want to spend your time.
For me, one of my areas in life is the Time Ownership area, to remember the goal is not to just make money but to buy back the time I sold.
The Three Pillars
Awareness — that time is finite and it’s your most important asset.
Attention — on making sure you spend time on things that matter.
Control — over your own time and have the freedom to choose how to spend it.
The One Big Question
How many moments do you have remaining with your loved ones?
🍀 Social Wealth
The Social Wealth is about your inner circles, your communities, and your earned social position.
The Three Pillars
Depth — deep meaningful connections to a small group of people.
Breadth — connections to a larger group of people for support and belonging and for something that’s beyond yourself; the communities, the cultures…
Earned Status — the earned respect and trust from the people around you.
The One Big Question
Who will be sitting in the front row at your funeral?
🍀 Mental Wealth
The Mental Wealth is about growing your inner child. It’s about developing the curiosity to explore and learn; to explore your purpose; to learn new things and grow; and to create a safe space to think and recharge.
The Three Pillars
Purpose — your own vision of life that guides you through the short and long-term decisions.
Growth — the eagerness to grow and change.
Space — the creation of your own space to think and recharge and listen to your inner voice.
The One Big Question
What would your ten-year old self say to you today?
🍀 Physical Wealth
The Physical Wealth is about taking care of your body, which in turn means being able to do certain things at older age.
The Three Pillars
Movement — daily activeness focusing on cardio, strength, and stability and flexibility.
Nutrition — consuming of mainly whole and unprocessed foods to meet nutrient needs.
Recovery — prioritising consistent sleep and other recovery-related activities.
The One Big Question
Will you be dancing at your 80th birthday party?
🍀 Financial Wealth
The Financial Wealth is about deciding what enough means to you and draw up a plan that moves you towards that enough.
The Three Pillars
Income Generation — develop highly monetisable skills and create income streams that leverage those skills.
Expense Management — avoid lifestyle inflation and keep your expenses below your income level.
Long-term Investment — go beyond time for money through investing and ownership.
The One Big Question
What’s your definition of enough?
I am always curious about what others are passionate about and what they are currently working on. Hit reply and share what’s been keeping you busy these days. I would love to learn!
With love,
Ryan O. 🎮
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